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A recall has been issued on more than 50,000 high-end baby strollers because they pose serious injury risks to the children they’re intended to carry. According to an AP report on a recall notice from the Consumer Product Safety Commission and Bugaboo International, the call-back includes the company’s Cameleon and Donkey model baby strollers.
Louis County Police arrest people along West Florissant Avenue, Monday, Aug. 10, 2015, in Ferguson, Mo. Editor’s Note: In November 2015, the total number of. MINNEAPOLIS — So far in 2015, U.S.
Police killed 776 people, 161 of whom were completely unarmed at the time of their death. The data was compiled by The Guardian for a project called “,” a continuously updated, interactive database of police killings in the United States. Based on their figures, police have killed, on average, about three people per day so far this year.
The Counted database is the most comprehensive information available on police killings, since no U.S. Government agency maintains a similar listing. Police killings in America have sparked a national movement for police reform, especially since the death of Mike Brown last year in Ferguson, Missouri.
Based on The Guardian’s statistics, police killed more white people than any other race this year. A total 385 white people have been killed by police this year, and 66 of them were unarmed at the time of their death. However, activists like the members of the Black Lives Matter movement argue that police kill blacks at a rate disproportionate to their total percentage of the population — an assertion supported by The Guardian’s statistics. Police killed almost five black people per every million black residents of the U.S., compared with about 2 per million for both white and hispanic victims. The vast majority of those killed — 745 — were men. People were killed by police at all ages and in every state except Rhode Island, South Dakota and Vermont, three of the country’s least populated states.
Certain cities stand out as more dangerous than others: The most police by killings occurred in Los Angeles (14 dead), Houston (11), Phoenix (9), New York (7) and Oklahoma City (7). Shooting was the most common cause of police-related death, at 680. Of the 161 unarmed individuals, 71 were shot by police. The second most common cause of death found in the study were Tasers, which led to the deaths of 39 people, followed by being struck by police vehicles (26). Twenty-eight people died in police custody, according to The Guardian, but this figure does not include, who died in a Texas jail under conditions many describe as suspicious, although suicide was listed as her official cause of death.
Of the 582 people who were armed at the time of their death, 374 were carrying firearms and 107 were armed with knives. Of course, the numbers also cannot account for whether those killed were actively threatening police with their weapons versus those who were not, like, the Native American man killed July 12 in Denver while holding a knife to his own neck. Although police advocates claim the frequent use of force is necessary to protect officers from a highly dangerous job, the statistics don’t seem to back this up. The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, with noting that two of those deaths came from accidental discharge of their firearms. Further, Bureau of Labor Statistics released last year show that being a. Indeed, those statistics show that loggers, roofers, pilots and farmers are all more likely to be killed on the job than police.
The players are protesting for what reason? “Among the roughly 6,000 cases in which the race of the victim and the offender were known, the number of blacks killed by blacks rose to 2,380 last year, an increase of about 8 percent from 2014. However, the share of black-on-black homicides as a proportion of black people killed actually fell by just under 1 percentage point, to 89.3 percent. ” “Black teenage males are NINE TIMES more likely to commit murder than their white counterparts- the gap in urban areas is even larger”. The death rate at the hands of police for blacks is roughly 5 killed per 1 million black residents in the US. Pingback:.
Pingback:. The thing about blacks is they are disproportionately violently criminal for their numbers in this country by a LONG SHOT per FBI STATS! So of course they get shot. Mix that in with an apparent inability to comply with orders from a very beleagured police force and you have the seeds for a disaster. I didn’t know until BLM insisted on body Cams just what kind of “people” cops have to deal with every single day while we go about our lives not being around anyone of the caliber they have to keep us safe from., i did not know that blacks were so ugly to police and so disrespectful and so unwilling to understand how to be still or hit the ground or drop the gun or any of the things the rest of us would NEVER think about doing when confronted by cops. I lay this at the feet of Obama who fomented the LIES that blacks are being hunted. FIVE MEN FIVE WHITE MEN were shot by cops on the same day as the Charleston Guy which of course meant that blacks would start rampaging again and tear everything up and also THEY WERE HEARD ON TAPES MANY OF THEM Those three nights Actively HUNTED DOWN WHITE PEOPLE WHO DID NOTHING BUT BE WHITE TO BEAT SAVAGELY TO A PULP SO I HAVE NO PITY FOR THEM and never EVER will again.
It is a miracle that cops don’t shoot more of them. Pingback:. This analysis uses a flawed methodology often quoted but false none the less. You can not look at number killed as a% of the population doing this makes one major assumption which is easily proven false and that assumption is the rates of contact with police is equal across race this assumption is proven false by fbi statistics in that blacks are 20 times more likely to be stopped for a traffic violation and 2 times more likely to be arrested for something other than a traffic stop such as violent crime. The reason blacks are killed more often is due to contact and not a function of their% of the population.
Bugaboo Serial Number 7 Digits
The question is why do blacks come in contact with law enforcement more often than other races and this can only be due to 3 things 1) there is systemic racism on the part of law enforcement 2) blacks commit more crime than do other races based on their% of the population or 3) a combination of 1 and 2 to see an unbiased look at law enforcement use of excessive force as regards race check out. This comment stream has led me to believe that Blacks are definitely in more danger with the police. If regular civilians think so negatively about blacks with their limited exposure to them, then I’d imagine that those whose job it is to confront the worst of them must carry an overwhelmingly compulsion to kill them. Not because of an imminent threat, but a perceived threat that seems to not really be towards anyone but themselves. People kill people they know, if they didn’t, then law enforcement could not have delevoped and perfected so many methods for catching them. When placed in an environment with little resources and opportunity, failed education and justice systems, an overwhelmingly prejudiced corporate structure, people will have more confrontations that lead to someone dying than usual.
I think that the police, in dealing with these issues, are not behaving uncharacteristically human. These are men and women who have all of the same internal fears and mechanisms as the folks commenting on here. Every negative encounter with a group of individuals they do not care to, nor are they encouraged to understand, could lead to the death of that particular group of persons if their ignorance and compulsion overwhelms them.
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Pingback:. Pingback:. Pingback:. All data was gathered from the Federal Government statistics and the Fraternal Order of Police, now they could be lying about the number of unemployed, the Economy, and how many people are on ACA, but lying about this makes no sense, and here is the kicker, you can find these things for yourself just by dong a google search without going to factcheck or Snopes or anyone else who may have an ulterior motive for what they say is true or false. Believe what you want, but consider that most of the fact presented by the Media are skewed in favor of those who are in control of the media and the Nation.
LIAR, LIAR, Congenital liar. Some of us still have our brains functioning. This “data” is a lie.
If you really want to quiet your demons and tell the truth go and get your stats from Law Enforcement Stats websites. Regarding suicide statistics it is today as it ALWAYS HAS BEEN. White MALES have the HIGHEST suicide rates, second comes white women.
Black women have always been and still are at the bottom of the list regarding suicide. Black women commit suicide LESS than any other ethnic group.
Here are the REAL stats you impotent, cowardly racist liar. I have a LIFE. Which is EXACTLY why I CHALLENGE your LIES. I have a life that revolves around INTEGRITY, honest and historical assessment of ALL the facts and peace with God. Of which you could know NOTHING of these things because you are the typical American absorbed in your fabricated DENIAL about injustice against African-Americans that has spanned over 350 years. My life is based on the HIGHER purpose of being grateful for good health, education, talent, skill, self-reliance and independent research and the ability to examine all the information and not settle for the American white lies that have been spewed to cover up generations of violence, LIES, torture and disenfranchisement of African-American people. So YOU get a life, you pathetic, cowardly liar.
Grow a pair and find the courage to LOOK yourself in the mirror. You get a life, and let’s see you DISMANTLE the legions of bloody DEMONS that America has buried in the back of it’s closet.
If you think this is about black lives or white lives then your not seeing the bigger picture. NO one should be killed by police officers. I don’t care if there live is a threat. We do not pay police officers to kill the people they are sworn to protect and serve. They sign up knowing their life is at risk. They sign up knowing they could die protecting our communities.
The minute our government is allowed to kill people because of things written in their contracts such as the “Brady Contract” which they have in Oregon is the minute you allow police officers to live above the law. This is where corruptions breeds. Nor does any of it hold fall under UHDR Laws which were passed in 1948. We don’t need to be policed by a bunch of Hitlers.
No one should die at the hands of their governing bodies. I don’t want to history repeat its self. I want to see change. December 25, 2015 Homeland Defense: The Pentagon Declares War on America State Terrorism directed against the American People and Democracy Itself. The Department of Defense now authorizes the domestic deployment of US troops in “the conduct of operations other than war” including law enforcement activities and the quelling of “civil disturbances”: “Federal military commanders have the authority, in extraordinary emergency circumstances where prior authorization by the President is impossible and duly constituted local authorities are unable to control the situation, to engage temporarily in activities that are necessary to quell large-scale, unexpected civil disturbances“. I think some of you are missing the point of “Black Lives Matter”. The point is that these killings continue to happen and the police are allowed to hide behind their badge and have ZERO accountability.
The snipers in Dallas should be held accountable for their actions. By the same token police offers should be held accountable for theirs. THAT’S what matters. I don’t know long officers could continue to kill innocent people and walk away from it, with no accountability and no punishment for their actions, and not have something like Dallas happen. And before a bunch of you lose your minds, I am not talking about situations where an individual was verbally threatening or acting in a threatening manner to a police officer, I am talking about truly innocent people getting pulled over for minor traffic infractions that resulted in their death, and similar circumstances.
Before you go jumping on the band wagon of black lives matter you need to see what they promote. You wont be so quick to quote that phrase.
All lives matter and I am not part of that organization either. I don’t need to belong to a group to go by what I was taught as child. Many of those groups incite more hate and racism under the cover of being a so called victim. Sadly people buy it. The sad thing is is when white people buy into that statement they are laughing at you because they are the ones telling others in the group to kill you just because your white.
Don’t believe me check it out for yourself. So you think that when black men kill other black men, the men that they kill are not unarmed? If you seriously care about black lives then you should first solve the problem that is killing the MOST black lives.
The thousands and thousands of shootings within black neighborhoods are also innocent victims, men women and children. WHY does no one care about those black lives? I can’t help but not take the BLM seriously when they are making a big deal out of a small problem but completely ignore the big problem.
Further, according to the title of this article, the vast majority of police shootings are NOT against the unarmed. The police are usually involved with criminals.
It stands to reason that if you are dealing with crime as your job you’re going to encounter a lot of criminals, some of them deadly. As someone else pointed out here, the majority of police shootings ARE justified. There is a very small problem here and people are making a HUGE deal out of it while thousands are being killed in their own neighborhoods, and nobody cares about that. Please explain to me why a very few shootings is more important than a very large amount of shootings? This makes no sense at all. More to your point, the police do not control the color of the person that comes at them. It’s not just that we need better cops.
The vast majority of them are good. The bad ones should be fired. However, what people are continuing to ignore here is that the people can change the laws that the cops abide. Yet, they don’t. I believe that for the most part, people don’t want those laws to change. By and large, if you’ve committed a crime, people cease to care what happens to you. Mostly, they want you off of the streets and out of their neighborhoods.
The black Democratic caucus spoke all passionately against the Michael Brown shooting and then turned right around and voted to further arm the police with bigger and badder military weapons. This whole matter is a farce and a distraction, and most of us are not buying into it. In addition, there are so many variables involved in this issue that are being ignored. There are studies that have found that black people are more open about their crime, less afraid of exposing themselves to the police. That alone could account for the larger number of them being confronted.
MB was walking down the middle of a street right after he committed a crime. In most all of the police shootings the suspect was either resisting arrest or behaving with much hostility when shot. That is not about color, it’s about behavior and respect for authority. Who has ZERO accountability? Section 210402 of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 requires the US Attorney General to “acquire data about the use of excessive force by law enforcement officers.” So the Bureau of Justice Statistics gathers data on the tens of thousands of complaints against cops each year for excessive use of force.
The are published in the Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics (LEMAS) report. So what happens with those complaints? 34% of complaints are “not sustained”, meaning they were just complaints and the allegation was made with little or no proof that it actually happened. So just like you & I, cases against cops without evidence get thrown out. 25% of the complaints were “unfounded”, meaning that the ‘evidence’ turned out to be false the reported incident never happened.
23% of the complaints resulted in officers being exonerated, meaning that the incident occurred, but the cop’s use of force was evaluated and found to be appropriate for the situation. (“lawful and proper”) 8% of the complaints were “sustained”, meaning there was enough evidence to justify punishing the cop. (disciplinary action / termination / prison) 9% of the complaints had some other disposition.
(the complaint was withdrawn, etc) So if you throw out the thousands of bogus complaints, and just look at the ones where there is actually enough evidence to warrant an investigation. The cops are declared not guilty 74% of the time and get punished 26% of the time. How is that ZERO accountability? 8% is out of the total number of complaints.
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I think I spelled it out pretty well, do you have a reading comprehension problem? 34% with no evidence + 25% with bogus evidence ——— = 59% of the excessive force cases don’t have enough evidence to go to court. Courts constantly throw out cases against normal citizens for insufficient evidence. Don’t cops deserve the same right?
9% of the cases are withdrawn, so add that to the other 59% lacking evidence and you’re looking at 68% of these complaints are not even solid enough to prosecute. Out of the 32% that remain and actually do go to court, the cops are found guilty and are punished 26% of the time. So yes, I find that level of accountability acceptable. Incorrect — the logic is.
When you are a convicted felon with multiple run ins with police — you need to be extra cautious. If you have a weapon — tell them when they pull you over. Tell them where the weapon is. You have to remember police don’t have the highest IQ but they also have a target on their backs. A lot of folks disrespect and disobey police officers. When I get pulled over I make it simple and sweet. Roll down all my windows so they can see inside my entire car.
Have my license and registration ready to hand them. Have my hands on the wheel and don’t make any sudden moves or gestures.
No evidence — but I did hear that they prefer people who don’t think outside the box. That is not necessarily IQ related.
For example they don’t want a police officer to interpret the law. They want the police officer that is taught the way the law is and performs the law in that manner. I’ve met some officers/detectives that seemed very intelligent. So i’m not belittling them.
I’ve also met the robocop type that treat any act the same whether its theft of a candy bar, grand theft, rape or murder. A crime is a crime and they treat the person without dignity. It is important for cops to realize crime varies and the need to escalate the situation based on the crime committed. No need to cause duress to a j-walker who is jogging down the street with headphones in. I saw a cop chase a jay-walker jogger down before grab her arm and hand-cuff her for evading the police. Sometimes it is better to use common sense than the strict judgement of law and order for petty crimes. You did “hear”?
That is nothing more than hearsay, and very likely geographical and anecdotal at best. Police officers should NOT interpret the law.
They are trained, according to guidelines that we could change. They are not lawyers, or judges or congressmen. It is one of the main points that I have been making in this topic. People complain about how the police behave but don’t seem to understand that they are trained to behave the way that they do. We have the option to change that, but no one really wants that. The Democratic Black Caucus went on and on about the Michael Brown case, just before they voted to further arm the police with military style weapons.
Even THEY do not want the changes that they seem to advocate. I agree with most of what you’ve said. I just don’t see, except in very rare circumstances, where a cop would chase a jay-walker down and cuff them for evading. When I took private lessons for owning a weapon I was told in the very first lesson that you ALWAYS shoot to kill. I protested that it might serve my purpose to just stop an assailant but was immediately shot down, so to speak. If you feel that you are in enough danger to shoot in the first place, you do NOT play around with attempts to stop the assailant. You MUST shoot to kill.
I can’t tell you why that seems to be the accepted stance in these situations. I can only surmise that those before me have their reasons. This IS how police are trained. Yes IT IS TRUE! There LITERALLY is NO hunt for blacks but there is a huge problem with black crime so thus there are more dangerous incidences.
Here are your facts straight from the DOJ which is highly racist during the Obama years. In spite of that STILL they were forced to admit: First, we find that during the 2012/2013 period, blacks committed an average of 560,600 violent crimes against whites, whereas whites committed only 99,403 such crimes against blacks. This means blacks were the attackers in 84.9 percent of the violent crimes involving blacks and whites.
This figure is consistent with reports from 2008, the last year DOJ released similar statistics. Perhaps not coincidentally, that was the year Mr. Obama was elected president. Interestingly, we find that violent interracial crime involving blacks and Hispanics occurs in almost exactly the same proportions as black/white crime: Blacks are the attackers 82.5 percent of the time, while Hispanics are attackers only 17.5 percent of the time. Some observers argue that what causes the overwhelming preponderance of black-on-white over white-on-black violence is “chance of encounter,” due to the fact that there are five times as many whites as blacks in the American population. However, there are only about 30 percent more Hispanics than blacks, yet black-on-Hispanic violence is almost as lopsided as black-on-white violence. This suggests blacks may be deliberately targeting both whites and Hispanics.
Mere encounters do not tell the whole story either. I believe that the problem is how people respond to the police when there is an encounter. If you look at almost all of the cases that ended in fatalities, the problem starts when the police encounter a person and the person reacts with hostility. The situation escalates and when that happens it doesn’t turn out well. We have law and order for a reason and when you oppose those that we have assigned to keep the order, it’s not going to end well for you.
The reason that I cannot support black lives matter is because it is an ethnocentric, emotionally driven movement that does not use reality to justify their cause. They act as if black people are systemically murdered by police officers. The majority of victims so far in the 2016 have been white by a wide margin.
Police shootings are an all lives matter situation. It only seems like black people are being systemically murdered, because the news exclusively reports on cop on black violence, as it is currently a popular news. Black lives matter just want to be a victim, because being a victim brings power. It’s also dishonest to not mention how many of these killings are ruled as justified. The mere fact someone is killed by police should not be the only factor to consider when looking at stats (a dangerous past time anyway), but we should look the justified rate to really understand if this is a so called epidemic?
Pointing a gun at a cop then getting shot for it (just using this as an example of when deadly force could be authorized), black or white, means nothing to most people.unless of course you are BLM then you can just lump them all together and make the numbers seem higher. I am in favor of bodycams but in most situations there are plenty of witnesses and video. In the Michael Brown case, you can hear people in the neighborhood speaking and saying that MB “just charged at the officer.” Not the police, someone in the neighborhood saw that. Also in the MB case, a black civil rights leader in New York had come out and stated that in this case, the jury made the right decision. Most police shootings are investigated and most often they are deemed justified, even in front of a jury. In a few cases the police are wrong and then they are charged.
That’s a conversation worth having, and from what I’ve been reading, body cams have been making a positive difference where they’ve been implemented. Austin Petersen (former Libertarian party candidate) came out with some crazy stuff about how they should be live streaming from minute 1 of being on duty to when they clock out, which I find ridiculous. We don’t need to see cops use the restroom, interact with each other and talk smack back and forth to build camaraderie, or eat on their lunch break. The camera needs to go on when they get a call and go off when the call is cleared.
If not then they suffer consequences as based on their union agreements or law. When people go to work (even for the government) they do not give up all their own rights either (privacy in regard to not being filmed every second of every day) like most pure libertarian or ancap psychos seem to think. I just think we need to view it with common sense and realize there are limited resources with which we can tackle these issues. Yes, and it’s causing so much additional grief and tragedy.
I remember when I was a kid, back in the 60’s, and one black girl was added to my fourth grade class. There were several people who were very rude to her, and one that I heard call her the n-word, and called me a ‘n-word lover for being friendly with her. I was so ashamed that kids that I thought were my friends were being so mean to another person. Even at that age, people should have known better! And now, it seems that things have come so far forward, but people are more angry, and there’s so much more death! There just were very rarely ANY shootings by police in my area of Michigan at all, back then.
Now, my area during the last decade has had half a dozen — a couple of caucasians, a couple of African descent, one Hispanic descent, and on native American. They all had to do with people rushing or threatening other people with a weapon, including one PTSD veteran who was having some sort of a psychotic break (he was white) and one young woman who turned out to be bi-polar mentally ill (she was black). The country has just gone kind of insane, from my perspective. People don’t even seem to care enough to look into what the truth is, mostly.
They just listen to whatever they are told to listen to. They receive incomplete info, jump to conclusions, and get angrier. What the heck are we supposed to do, as citizens, to try to make this better??? Who’s listening? Who wants it? It almost seems like some people want to be angry, and so they’re interpreting everything through that lense!
Even if the facts show that cops kill blacks more often that still does not necessarily mean that it is because of discrimination. I saw one study that showed that black people tend to be less concerned with hiding their crimes, and so are caught more often. If you look at most all of police shootings the suspect reacted with opposition and hostility towards the officer.
If it happens to turn out that black people react this way more often then it is NOT about discrimination against blacks. In fact, you could say that it is discrimination towards authority, not towards black people. There are so many variables that I think that it is ridiculous to just automatically blame racism. You are blind so 6 shots point blank and reaching for your driving license is justified yeah? How man videos have been posted showing them abusing thier postion it is not just once it is everyday it is a good thing smart phones are about or it would be alot worse why was malcolm x and Martin Luther king marching for I guess they was marching for nothing what did JFK do in the 60s before he got shot funny how all the people who want peace ended up getting murdered why is that and we’re dies that order come from.
Open your eyes america your rights are being stripped from you and you lot are blind to it next martial law will be in place cause of 911 your privacy has become less private you are less free and the goverment will stoke this up so they can control more of you. I am not blind. In the video she says that it was 3 shots, not 6. There is a protocol for what you do when you are pulled over by the police. You keep your hands on the steering wheel or in sight, you do NOT reach for anything until the officer tells you to and then you tell them first.
“My registration is in the glovebox. I’m going to get it now.” Honestly, are there people that do not know this? Police Officers are shot and killed on routine traffic stops. For you to suggest that this does not happen and that they don’t have the right to be suspicious of people and protect their own lives is absurd.
I have NO DOUBT, WHATSOEVER, that this police officer thought that Philando was reaching for a gun or he would NOT have shot the man. Some have said that y.