Contoh Proposal Skripsi Pai Tarbiyah Pdf Printer
REFERENCES Adi, Isbandi Rukminto, Psikologi, Pekerjaan Sosial, dan Ilmu Kesejahteraan Sosial: Dasar-Dasar Pemikiran, Jakarta: Grafindo Persada, 1994. Al-Habsyi, Umi Hani, Improving Students’ Motivation in Speaking by Using Telling Story with Sentence Cards Game in Teaching Speaking (A Classroom Action Research with XI IPS 2 of MAN Pemalang in the Academic Year of 2008/2009), Semarang: 2009.
Contoh Proposal Skripsi Pai Tarbiyah Pdf Printers
Ali Yusuf, the Holy Qur’an Text, Translation and Commentary, United States of America: Amana Corp, 1983. American Book Company, General Principles of Learning, Attitudes, Interests, and Motivation. Burhan, Metodologi Penelitian Kuantitatif: Komunikasi, Ekonomi, dan Kebijakan Publik Serta Ilmu-Ilmu Sosial Lainnya, Jakarta: Kencana, 2010. Crow, Lester D. And Crow, Alice, Educational Psychology, New York: American Book Company, 1958.
Djaali, Psikologi Pendidikan, Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara, 2008. Douglas, Brown H, Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practices, Gavin Reid, Memotivasi Siswa di kelas:Gagasan dan Strategi, Jakarta: PT Macanan Jaya Cemerlang, 2009. Heinle & Heinle, Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language Third Edition, London:Thomson Learning.
Contoh Proposal Skripsi PAI Kualitatif Ma - Download as Word Doc (.doc /.docx), PDF File (.pdf). Contoh Proposal Skripsi PAI Kualitatif Ma. Skripsi Tarbiyah.pdf Ebook Download. Skripsi Bahasa Sastra Inggris. Skripsi Biologi. Skripsi Desain dan Komunikasi Visual. Skripsi Ekonomi. Skripsi Ekonomi Islam. Skripsi Ekonomi Manajemen. Skripsi Ekonomi Pembangunan. Skripsi Elektro. Skripsi Farmasi. Skripsi Fisika. Skripsi Geo Teknik. Skripsi Pendidikan Agama Islam.
To save the active dataset in SPSS Statistics format, use SAVE or XSAVE. On most operating systems, the default extension of a saved SPSS Statistics data file is.sav. SPSS Statistics data files can also be matrix files created with the MATRIX=OUT subcommand on procedures that write matrices. Examples of spss data files. The following are the project and data sets used in this SPSS online training workshop. Click on the data Description link for the description of the data set, and Data Download link to download data. Projects & Data Description, Data Download. Airline Passengers Data Airline Pasengers.sav Body Fat Data BodyFat.sav. SPSS Data Files. Anxiety 2.sav CH18_Q11.sav Employee data.sav EX 10_1.sav EX 14_1.sav EX 14_5.sav EX 15_1_2_3_4_5.sav EX_15_6.sav EX 16_1_2_3.sav EX 17_2.sav EX 18_1_2.sav EX 19_3.sav EXAMPLE 20_1.sav EXAMPLE_21_1.sav EXAMPLE_21_2.sav EXAMPLE_21_3.sav EXAMPLE. This file contains data extracted from hospital records which allows you to try using some of the SPSS data manipulation procedures covered in Chapter 8 Manipulating the data.
Holden, Susan and Mickey Rodger, Skills Teaching, accessed on November 2011. In 28 Jamal Ma’mur Amani, Panduan Efektif Bimbingan dan Konseling di Sekolah, Yokjakarta: DIVA Press, 2010. Khan, Muhammad Muhsin dan Al-Hilali, Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din, Interpretation of the Meanings of the Noble Qur’an in the English Language, Riyadh: Darussalam Publishers and Distributors 1999.
Makmun, Abin Syamsudin, Rosdakarya, 2000. Psikologi Kependidikan, Bandung: Remaja 61 Michael, O’ Malley J and Valdez, Pierce Lorraine, Authentic Assessment for English Language Learners, United Stated of America: Longman, 1996. Nazir, Moh, Metode Penelitian, Bogor: Ghalia Indonesia, 2009. Nunan, David, Language Teaching Methodology a Textbook for Teachers, New York: Phoenix Ltd, 1995. Richards, Jack C, New Ways in Teaching Speaking, USA: Pantagraph Printing, Bloomington, Illinois, 1994.
Santrock, John W, Psikologi Pendidikan Educational Psychology, Jakarta: Salemba Humanika, 2009. Schmitt, Norbert, An Introduction to Applied Linguistics, London: Arnold, 2002. Scott, Thornbury, How to Teach Speaking, Longman, 2005).
Singarimbun Masri and Effendi Sofian editor, Metode Penelitian Survay, Jakarta: LP3ES, 2011 Slameto, Belajar dan Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhinya, Jakarta: PT Macanan Jaya Cemerlang,2009. Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan (Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D), Bandung: Alfabeta, 2008.
Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik 6th revised, Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2006). Uno, Hamzah B, Teori Motivasi dan Pengukurannya, Jakarta: PT Bumi Aksara, 2008.
Wahib, Abdul, korektor, Pedoman Penulisan Skripsi Program Strata satu (S1), Semarang: Fakultas Tarbiyah IAIN Walisongo, 2010 Winarsunu, Tulus, Statistik dalam Penelitian Psikologi dan Pendidikan, Malang: UMM Press, 2007 62 List of Table Table 1 Result the Interview with English Teacher. 64 Table 2 Result of the Interview with Natural Science Program and Social Science Program students. 65 Table 3 The Member of Natural Science Program Students. 67 Table 4 The Member of Social Science Program Students. 68 Table 5 Questionnaire score of variable X1.
69 Table 6 Questionnaire Score of Variable X2. 71 Table 7 Total Students XI Grade of Natural Science Program and Social Science Program. 73 63 Table 1 Result the interview with English teacher Informant 2. Natural English teacher A.
Natural Science Program Questions 1. Answers What are the 1. In this school there is no strategies to support special strategy to develop English speaking it, and there is no achievement? Difference between two programs. But in this school there is ECC (English Conversation Club).
It is extracurricular that more practices than just explanation. How success is the 2. Natural science program’s school program that motivation is very good for has been given to their achievement. It is students? Different than social science student’s program. The natural science program’s motivation is very high because they participated in ECC.
Social Science Program 1. What are the 1. In this school there is no strategies to support special strategy to develop English speaking it, and there is no achievement? Difference between two programs.
But in this school there is ECC (English Conversation Club). It is extracurricular that more practices than just explanation. Table 2 Result of the interview with natural science program and social science program students 64 Program student 1. First student What is the 1.
The student is very happy students’ in practicing English impression in directly because she often English Speaking studies at night. And what is the reason? She has some strategies, like memorizing 2.
What is students’ vocabulary, do strategy in English conversation with friends speaking study? And often asking to senior. Second student What is the 1.
The student feels afraid student’s because he is not able. He impression in also feels nervous because English speaking not familiar with speaking study? And what is in English daily. His strategy is reading and 2. What is students’ comprehending the lesson. Strategy in English He also always comes to speaking study? The front with partner.
Third student What is the 1. The student feels nervous students’ if doing speaking but she impression in try to be confident to get English speaking good mark. And what is the reason? Her strategy is do exercise with Natural Science 2. What is students’ program friend. Strategy in English speaking study?
Social Science Program student 1. First student What is the 1. The student feels difficult students’ to understand speaking impression in English. But sometimes English speaking she understands the lesson. And what is the reason? The student writes down material which wants to 2.
What is students’ understand. She also looks strategy in English for book in the library.
65 speaking study? What is the 1. The student feels shy in students’ studying because impression in producing the voice in English speaking front of his friends. And what is also cannot understand the reason? When the teacher teaches speaking.
What is students’ strategy in English 2. The student doesn’t have speaking study?
The appropriate strategy in teaching speaking in English. Sometimes he writes down the material. Second student 1. Third student No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 What is the 1. Sometimes the student students’ feels enjoy, and sometimes impression in she feels difficult. It is English speaking because of everything in study? And what is speaking is difficult.
The student’s strategy is 2. What is students’ writing down the difficult strategy in English word and remembering the speaking study? Teacher’s explanation. Table 3 The Member of natural Science Program Students Name Sex Class Ahmad Bahrul Ulum Male XI IPA 1 David Juliyanto Male XI IPA 1 M.
Affanul Halim Male XI IPA 1 M. Misbahudin Male XI IPA 1 Hanif fatkhur aziz Male XI IPA 1 Ahlis Ni’am Male XI IPA 1 M. Kurniansyah Male XI IPA 1 Nur A. Jazuli Male XI IPA 1 M. Ricki Maulana Male XI IPA 1 Luuluk Nailil.