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ISO standards are reviewed every five years to determine if a revision is required to keep the standards current and relevant. As ISO standards are updated, they are designed to follow a new, higher-level structure called Annex SL, which allows for easier integration of multiple management system standards. ISO's flagship quality management systems standard, ISO 9001, was published in September 2015 after over three years of work by experts from nearly 95 participating and observing countries. This revision set into motion a series of cascading revisions to many other management system standards. NSF-ISR is a leader in management systems registrations and can provide the latest information to clients on updates to the standards.

Download Nsf Iso Registration Numbers

We work with clients to ensure they fully understand the requirements and timing of standard changes. Whether your organization is transitioning to an updated version of a standard or implementing a management system for the first time, we are here to help.

NSF-ISR is your partner in simplifying the approach to implementing management systems standards. Use the tabs at left to access the latest information and resources. To see the transition timing for all of the standards, download our. ISO 9001:2015 Published on September 15, 2015, ISO 9001:2015 brings the standard up to date with changes in technology, the workforce and the world since the last major revision 15 years ago. The standard can be purchased through the. The new version of the quality management standard follows an updated, higher-level structure that allows it to be more easily used in conjunction with other management system standards. Additionally, more emphasis is placed on risk in this version of the standard.


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The new standard is less prescriptive than the previous version, instead focusing on performance. This focus is achieved through a combination of risk-based thinking and a process approach, as well as employment of the “plan-do-check-act” cycle at all levels in the organization. Below are summaries and links to the ISO 9001:2015 transition tools: Readiness Assessment Tool The Readiness Assessment Tool helps organizations determine their readiness for transitioning to ISO 9001:2015.

We recognize that there are many levels of readiness, and this tool is meant to help you determine your next steps on the journey to full compliance with the new standard. It is our hope that you can use the results from the readiness assessment to improve your quality management systems. Transition Guide Use our guide to the ISO 9001:2015 transition to identify areas of the standard that have been updated and the major themes of the standard. On-Demand Webinars NSF-ISR has on-demand webinars available to guide you through the changes from ISO 9001:2008 to ISO 9001:2015. ISO 9001:2015 Upgrade Planner and Delta Checklist Prior to an off-site review, on-site gap analysis or upgrade audit, we recommend that you complete the ISO 9001:2015 upgrade planner and delta checklist.

Top Management Letter The new standard requires your organization’s top management involvement to further enhance your organizations policies, as well as to provide a framework and guidance to personnel assigned to manage the quality management system. We have developed a letter that can be used to help explain these new requirements to your top management team.

Risk-based Thinking White Paper Risk-based thinking has become a requirement for compliance in ISO 9001:2015. If your organization is struggling with the concept of risk-based thinking and which approach, or approaches, are best, this white paper can help. Top Reasons Not to Wait to Transition Existing ISO 9001 and 14001 certificates must be transitioned by September 2018, but there are reasons to transfer before the deadline. In addition to the peace-of-mind that comes with successfully completing your transition, there are a number of other benefits.

Maximize the Value of your QMS White Paper The latest iteration, ISO 9001:2015, introduces significant changes to the requirements for the process approach and risk management that can help organizations obtain even more significant operational benefits to their processes, and ultimately, their bottom line. For more information, visit our. ISO Published on September 15, 2015, ISO has an emphasis on improvements to reflect the latest industry trends. The standard is available from the. AS9100:2016 The AS9100 series of standards are all due to be published before the end of 2016.

AS9100 was released on September 20, 2016. AS9120 was released on November 1, 2016. AS9110 was released on November 4, 2016. The Aerospace Auditor Transition Training (AATT) for 9100, 9101 and 9120 should also be available in November.

The AS9100 standards (including AS9110 and AS9120) will continue to be based on the latest version of ISO 9001. Because the deadline for implementing the AS9100:2016 standards and ISO 9001:2015 is the same (September 2018), the delay of AS9100:2016 being released will create a short time period for AS-registered organizations to transition to this new standard.

Since the transition timeframe will be condensed, it is never too early to start preparing. We at NSF-ISR will be here to guide you every step of the way, with tools and answers to your many questions. We are developing a series of webinars, a readiness tool that will walk you through a gap analysis of your system in relation to the revised requirements of AS9100, transition guides and upgrade checklists. NSF-ISR is well represented at Americas Aerospace Quality Group (AAQG) Registration Management Committee (RMC) meetings, and as more information becomes available (regarding the transition and other industry happenings), NSF-ISR will provide updates. Webinar Series NSF-ISR is developing a series of webinars that will not only explain the changes to the standard but will also help prepare you, and your QMS, for what is to come. These webinars will help you better work with a process-based approach to business along with highlighting the major changes to the AS9100 set of standards. AS Upgrade Planner and Delta Checklist Prior to an off-site review, on-site gap analysis or upgrade audit, we recommend that you complete the Aerospace upgrade planner and delta checklist.

Transition Guide Use our guide to the AS9100 transition to identify areas of the standard that have been updated and the major themes of the standard. Readiness Assessment Tool The Readiness Assessment Tool helps organizations determine their readiness for transitioning to the new AS standards.

We recognize that there are many levels of readiness, and this tool is meant to help you determine your next steps on the journey to full compliance with the new standard. It is our hope that you can use the results from the readiness assessment to improve your quality management systems. AS9100D Internal Audit Tool This tool is intended to be a supplement to an already robust internal audit program.

This tool can be used to gather objective evidence during the audit process and ensure a complete review of the elements associated with the organization’s process-based audit program. This checklist, by itself, does not meet all of the AS9100D requirements for an effective internal audit program.

Frequently Asked Questions We have compiled a number of answers to questions that your organization may have regarding the AS9100:2016 transition. For more information about AS9100, AS9110 or AS9120, visit our. ISO 45001 ISO 45001 is a proposed new international standard for occupational health and safety (OH&S), providing a framework for managing the prevention of death, work-related injury and ill health, with the intended outcome of improving and providing a safe and healthy workplace for workers and persons under an organization’s control. ISO, Occupational health and safety management systems takes into account other international standards in this area, such as OHSAS 18001. The standard is intended to help organizations, regardless of size or industry, in designing systems to proactively prevent injury and ill health.

The draft international standard (DIS) of ISO was published on February 12, 2016 and the ballot period ended May 12. With a final tally of 71 percent in favor to 29 percent against, the DIS ballot results fell short of the required votes, as no more than a quarter of the votes can be “against” for the standard to move on to the next stage of approval.

As a result, the development of ISO 45001 will now progress to a second DIS, pushing back the estimated publication date to 2017. During the recent ISO/PC283 Project Committee meeting June 6-10 in Toronto, Canada, the 3,000+ comments raised during the initial ballot period were discussed. The Project Committee meeting in October will review the remaining comments and finalize the second DIS, which will then be balloted again. In order to help organizations understand the new standard, NSF-ISR has developed resources to simplify the process: Information Guide NSF-ISR has developed an information guide with facts about the new ISO 45001 occupational health & safety management systems standard. As new information becomes available, this document will be updated to provide you with the most current information about the upcoming standard: Webinars NSF-ISR will be hosting a number of webinars aimed at keeping you up to date with progress of the new proposed ISO 45001 standard as it makes its way to final publication. NSF-ISR will keep you informed about what is in the proposed standard, and what is different or new compared to OHSAS 18001.


We will also host webinars supporting your organization to make registering to the standard more straight-forward. You can download the entire series of webinars on demand at no cost. Top Management Briefings It is important to have buy-in and understanding from your organization’s top management. NSF-ISR will develop a number of top management briefings on the progress of the standard through development – so your top managers are informed, know what to expect and can plan for the new standard’s requirements. Other Resources in Development As the standard moves through the publication process, NSF-ISR will release additional tools. You can check back here as the standard gets closer to final publication. For more information, visit our.

IATF The International Automotive Task Force (IATF) announced on August 9 that they will publish a new International Standard under the name IATF to replace ISO/TS in October 2016. This standard will define the requirements for a quality management system for organizations in the automotive industry, including automotive production, service and/or accessory parts organizations. It will be aligned with and refer to the most recent version of ISO’s quality management systems standard, ISO 9001:2015. According to the, IATF will “fully respect ISO 9001:2015 structure and requirements” and is not a stand-alone QMS, but is to be implemented with ISO 9001:2015. IATF is ensuring continued alignment with ISO 9001 by maintaining strong cooperation with ISO through participation in ISO/TC176. Requirements for certification to IATF were updated to the 5th Edition on November 1, 2016, and are available for purchase from. Guidance for the transition from ISO/TS to IATF was updated for a second time on November 21, 2016.

The revised document can be. Information Guide Use the NSF-ISR IATF Information Guide to identify areas of the standard that have been updated. We will continue to update this guide as new information on the standard becomes available.


Webinars NSF-ISR will be hosting a number of webinars aimed at keeping you up to date with progress of the IATF 16949 standard. NSF-ISR will keep you informed about the implementation process. We will also host webinars supporting your organization to make registering to the standard more straight-forward. You can download the entire series of webinars on demand at no cost.

Upgrade Planner and Delta Checklist NSF-ISR has developed an exclusive document that captures areas of new requirements, changes and updates from the previous version of the standard. Once completed, you can send it to your NSF-ISR Lead Auditor to confirm the effective implementation of your IATF 16949 Automotive Quality Management System. Frequently Asked Questions We have compiled a number of answers to questions that your organization may have regarding the IATF 16949 transition. Next Steps Next steps for current TS registrants include gaining familiarity with the new ISO 9001:2015 structure and requirements as this will be contained within the TS requirements. Any knowledge gained through this process will be utilized during the TS transition.

NSF-ISR has created several tools to assist clients in understanding the structural changes for migrating from ISO 9001:2008 to ISO 9001:2015. These resources include a readiness assessment, transition guide, on-demand webinars and an upgrade planner and delta checklist. They can be accessed through the ISO 9001:2015 Revision tab on the. For more information, visit the. ISO 13485 The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) published the updated ISO 13485 medical devices quality management systems standard on March 1, 2016. ISO can be used by organizations involved in the production, post-production, storage, distribution, installation, servicing, final decommission and disposal of medical devices.


There is also a provision for services associated with the medical device industry. RC14001 The RC14001®:2015 revision was released in late 2015 and combines elements of the American Chemistry Council's (ACC) Responsible Care® standard with those of ISO Environmental Management Systems. Certification enables an organization to demonstrate that its management system conforms to the requirements of both ISO 14001 and RC14001®. NSF International Strategic Registrations (NSF-ISR) received official accreditation from ANAB (ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board) to the RC14001®:2015 Technical Specification on April 4, 2016. Companies can now begin certifying to the new standard through NSF-ISR.