Eko Ranger 6 Serial Numbers

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In order of increasing power, the standard abilities are:. /Clairaudience — also called TeleSense, Remote Viewing, Remote Sensing, Extra-Sensory Perception or ESP. Seeing (and sometimes hearing, or using other senses, including ones that aren't part of the standard package) far-away places, localizing specific persons one concentrates on, usually involves a trance state; the amount of control over what is seen can vary wildly, depending on the talent and training of the psychic and how the power works in your. This can get broke down even further into Clairaudience, the psychic ability to hear things that are inaudible, Clairempathy, the ability to feel others' emotions at a distance; Claircognizance, having knowledge one has no normal way of knowing, Clairsentience refers to a psychic's ability to pick up sensations and relate messages from those sensations, Clairgustance, which is psychic supertaste, and Clairalienence, psychic supersmell. Clairvoyance is sometimes aided by hypnotic trances, a process called metagnomy, famously used by 'real life' psychic Edgar Cayce. Variants of this include — varying in power from just visible to reading someone like a book; it can encompass a wide variety of other sensing powers, usually tied to and the. And BiLocation (the ability to, physical or, in another place and/or time).

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  • Hi everyone, I just bought an Eko Ranger 6 off of eBay after much deliberation. I was going to buy a Simon and Patrick til I tried one and it wasn't even as good as my old rubbish jap guitar. I thought that my ears were deceiving me then I tried a £1000 Taylor by way of comparison that sounded like a guitar should.
  • In 1959, Oliviero Pigini founded Eko, which within a few years, became the biggest guitar producer in Europe. Eko guitars are well known and appreciated all over the world, and are still considered by many amongst 'the most beautiful guitars in the world' for their original style. Due to the excellent quality/price ratio, entire generations have discovered music, and many professional.

The latter may overlap with some forms of. In dream form, this is. Retrocognition/Postcognition — seeing things that happened in the past (without watching recordings). Often happens at crime scenes and may be considered a subset of clairvoyance. A more limited version of this is called, or object reading, which 'reads' the past of an object. Sometimes also includes aspects of Empathy, by picking up an imprint of strong emotions from the object left by the person who last handled said object. Can include sensing the 'auras' of places, too, especially if something violent happened there recently.

Certain versions of Psychometry have in that a Psychometer who picks up a weapon may theoretically be able to. Another fairly common variant is or (in with ) past lives, similar to. This can manifest as. — seeing the future in prophetic visions, sometimes in. Often leads to a. Is a common form. Empathy — the talent of, the ability to sense another person's emotional state.

At times, even and. Sometimes includes the ability to send emotions the other way. Not to be confused with. —, can sometimes also transmit thoughts or, etc. Telepathy is the psychic power most commonly attributed to. Mindspeech is the ability to have conversations psychically.

It usually requires a common language. Sometimes, though, as it is supposed to be direct thought-to-thought contact, any and all language barriers are. A is an intense, (usually) permanent telepathic connections between two (usually) partners. Subtropes include, and. A variant is the suggestor, who can or at least minds, but not read them.

Often these suggestions are said to. Some telepaths have the ability to of people, to into the mind of sleepers, or, but can do this only when people are asleep. Then there are those who are able to harvest the target's dreams,. Similarly, another breed of telepath is the. Telepathy can often be stopped by and.

Telepaths are often shown to be able to detect the presence of others; sensing their thoughts or merely the presence of a mind in a sort of. A 'true telepath' is one who not only reads others' thoughts but can get into their heads and affect their actions, thoughts, emotions, decisions and memories. Lessa in is a true telepath as were the Melkotians in the episode 'Spectre of the Gun' where they caused each member of the Enterprise crew to hear their warning message in his or her own language. — moving physical objects by pure willpower. Can range from atoms to paperclips to to cars or, in extreme cases, whole planets. Specialized expressions of it:.

— setting things on fire. In, this will making the molecules in an object more agitated until it bursts into flames (essentially, that's the way a microwave oven works).

Sometimes the fire itself can, changing size or even becoming a particular shape. Similarly, — freezing things. Slowing molecular motion until the object stops exuding heat, or just until it freezes solid.

Often combined with to form ice in thick coatings or free-standing shapes. /Astrakinesis - the ability to create electrical discharges and lightning bolts, and/or to control the flow of electrons inside machines. Sometimes encompasses the control of magnetic fields, too, if the author had a passing grade in high school science. (This is sometimes confused with the word ' which, incidentally, has nothing to do with psychic powers.) A variant of this is — the ability to mentally link to and control computer systems.

— the ability to influence living tissue on the cellular or molecular level. Used for, or as a darker power the ability to, traditionally by stopping their heart, but can also cause a massive stroke, simply shut the brain down, prevent the lungs from working., also known as Apportation — the ability to transport objects or people from location A to B, including oneself. A bit like the transporter in. Usually the psychic will either or has to touch them to send them away to someplace else. If they're really powerful, they can move objects from/to both target locations from afar remotely. — the ability to see, communicate with or, sometimes with the side effect that they'll in attempts to resolve their.

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Past Life Regression: A process of hypnosis or meditative visualization for reliving or discovering. The first five powers are purely internal. There's no evidence they're being used apart from the occasional (and of course, ).

The remaining powers have much more obvious effects. However, all these powers have stronger versions, found generally at the. That is, strong clairvoyance is as good as, or even a.

Strong telepathy allows for complete. Strong telekinesis or apportation can become a means of saying, and so on. The ultimate manifestation of psychic power is the ability to just. As generally portrayed, all psychic powers display, though there are exceptions, especially if the writer wants to the story's science yet still include cool Psionics; if so, expect terms like to be slung around with abandon.


Stories can have both Psychic Powers and, but they'll usually be treated as fundamentally different. This does not preclude them from being related or even the same thing; supernatural powers are still supernatural powers,. Subtropes include:. Compare, and for other genre's 'special powers.' See also and.

Is sometimes brought in as an for them. includes psychic characters such as the infamous Tetsuo, as well as the titular Akira, who levels all of Tokyo in a massive psychic explosion.

has a city devoted to artificially inducing esper powers. The process has a success rate of about 40% and no side effects at all.

A very rare phenomenon is to be; these people are called Gemstone espers. It's mentioned that magic was invented specifically to grant supernatural abilities to non-espers.

One deadly side effect to the combination of esper and magic powers is that they counteract with one another, causing severe damage to the body when one person uses both abilities. The powers mentioned above are given a explanation known as (It has ). Esper abilities work because the user to and ignore the normal laws of physics, manipulating them to their advantage. They more or less work as, requiring complex mental calculations and following a fairly consistent set of rules:. range from Level 0 (no powers) to Level 5 (the winners). The theoretical may be a being on par with (capable of accidentally ending the world with a fraction of their power), as the strongest esper, tends to go into mode and sprout chaotic black wings whenever he hits a. Every esper unconsciously emits something referred to as an AIM field, a weak power field unique to each individual.

A person may only possess one type of power. The eponymous Geass abilities in are an assortment of all kinds of Psychic Powers: suggestion (Lelouch and Rai), mind reading (Mao), pseudo-' (Rolo), memory manipulation ( Charles), body switching ( Marianne), precognition ( Nunnaly in an alternate manga), brainwashing ( C.C. In the past), etc. It apparently depends on each individual who is granted a Geass how exactly it'd work in their case., in which Cyborg 001 is a baby with psychic powers and Cyborg 005 is an empath. Also, a is composed of only espers who developed said powers as self-defense since they live in a born from a where Black Ghost took over the world.

The Contractors from wield a wide variety of psychic powers. However, due to the nature of their, there are no pure telepaths or telekinetics., a manga and short anime series, is based around Ganta Igarashi who's accused of massacring his classmates. Eventually Ganta finds out that the Red Man (Wretched Egg) gave him a red stone that makes him a 'Deadman', a human with the power to manipulate their own blood for offensive/defensive purposes called 'Branches of Sin'. The Esper 9 in are an assortment of various types of psychic powers. Among them is Kurosu who has telepathy and sensory link (connect his five senses with that of another person within a certain radius) and Yami-nee who uses telekinesis and can use elecritcal discharges to attack people.

People with the power of One-ness in could do anything like teleporation at a distance, communicating with others who has the power, sense fellow users of One-ness and even go to different places if they are familiar enough with it. is about an who and his psychic abilities and the to. Although more well known for its use of, has its fair share of characters with psychic powers:. The first really notable example is General Blue. Goku's first and the first in a LONG line of, Blue does not yet have flight and energy blasts, but he can paralyze people by making eye contact with them, allowing him to get the better of Goku twice while the latter has him on the ropes. He at one point also uses his powers to animate a bunch of ordinary ropes, giving them snake-like properties and turning them into restraints neither Goku, Krillin, or even Master Roshi (at that point the strongest main character) can break free from.

Eko Ranger 6 Serial Numbers

Notably, Mercenary Tao proves immune to his paralytic stare. Master Roshi also displays mind-reading abilities in the 21st world martial arts tournament, reading Nam's mind.

Eko Ranger 6 Serial Numbers

He has not used them again anytime afterwards, even though they would be insanely useful. Also, Chaiotzu. Out of all the members of the main cast, Chaiotzu uses psychic powers as his area of expertise, with such abilities as telekenisis and, again, paralysis-inducement, although unlike Blue he actually needs to extend both his arms while doing it.

In, Goku and Piccolo both display powerful telekenisis. In manga-based materials, they haven't shown such abilities (probably having no use for them when they can fire planet-exploding energy blasts at will), but they are shown to be capable of contacting others with telepathy. King Kai, as well as most other Kais, can see anything in the universe and contact anyone in the universe with telepathy.

Supreme Kai has also used telekinesis to lift a block of Kaitchin (the most durable metal in the universe). On Namek, both Freeza and Captain Ginyu use telekinesis to carry the Dragon Balls. The Diclonius in can telekinetically lift objects, as well as rip people apart with a thought. In, Eljuia has a mixed bag of psychic powers which are vague but include precognition and some kind of ability to read auras/emotions and sense the presence of beings.

Ironically, when these powers are first mentioned, Shun (who is from the real, non-superpowered world) automatically believes in them and thinks it's cool, whereas Emilio (from a world where people can summon weapons from middair) is immediately skeptical and refuses to believe Eljuia actually has visions. has 'Divers', who are descended from genetically altered from an ancient civilization. 'Para Divers' have telepathy, clairvoyance and precognition, 'Force Divers' have telekinesis and a precious few even have both. There are also 'Bayias', people who possess.

The fact that psychic powers are just a futuristic-sounding kind of is fully acknowledged in the series however, and these people are often referred to simply as sorcerers. Dynamis users in are essentially psychics with a different name.

takes place in a world in which everyone possesses extreme telekinesis, being able to do everything from setting things on fire to uprooting trees, to. The implications of such powerful telekinesis are explored thoroughly throughout the series, including what. Saki Hanajima in. She's mainly an, but she's also capable of and killing with her 'waves'. A number of characters in the continuity of are a form of psychics called 'Newtypes', which are supposed to be the next step in evolution. Newtypes have abilities ranging from limited telepathy, increased reflexes and (in the most extreme example) the ability to infuse their with the souls of the dead for a final attack.

And yet from Tomino clearly states they are not Espers. Newtypes also seem to have the, though this varies depending on how strong they are. A weak Newtype like Char Aznable might go all but undetected, while a strong Newtype like Kamille Bidan has no hope of sneaking up on anybody, and the frighteningly powerful Scirocco more or less broadcasts his presence to everyone in the vicinity. There are also Artificial or Cyber-Newtypes, who are created in labs, are typically quite powerful, and almost inevitably unstable. goes a bit easier on the Psychic Powers thing.

Every Gundam Meister in Season 2 can communicate through means of Quantum Brainwaves, except for the second Lockon Stratos. This actually turns out to be an advantage for Lockon in the, because the constantly try to communicate with anyone using Quantum Brainwaves, rendering them unable to fight due to the accidental.

Lockon's inability to use Quantum Brainwaves is actually what also saves Setsuna. has X-Rounders, who are basically identical to Newtypes as described above, except that their abilities seem to activate exclusively in combat.

However, while Newtypes were hailed as the next step in evolution, X-Rounders are looked upon as a step backward, tapping into the more primal areas of the brain for their powers. The espers in supposedly have psychic powers, although it's really more in a -like way. As a matter of fact, Kyon asks Koizumi to lift a cup of coffee with to which Koizumi replies 'My powers '. What they can do is enter the, fly around in cool energy bubbles and shoot fireballs. They also have a person-specific form of empathy, and are all able to feel Haruhi's mental state.

The eponymous character of possesses a variety of psychic powers, at the start mainly telepathy and being able to sense things that are, though she later gains the ability of flight. She's not the only one with such powers, but they get preyed upon by such things as a giant cloud spider.thing. In, psychic abilities are present in the form of; (usually) humanoid ethereal bodies whose powers range from the typical (clairvoyance, pyrokinesis) to the rare (time manipulation, age alteration, preventing truth-telling) to the utterly. Bizarre (summoning rods —as in the cryptid skyfish—, creating deadly viruses, trapping people and objects in paper). Oh, and apparently anyone and everything can have Psychic Powers. Infants, an orangutan, a cat, sapient plankton, and a group of trees have formed their own Stands.: All of the main cast possess, which involve the manipulation of other peoples' minds, or the extension of their own consciousness. They're all the result of being possessed by Azami's snakes, due to entering the Daze (dying on August 15th) and receiving a snake compatible with the wish they held closest in their heart before death.

Azami: The original Medusa, creator of the other characters' powers which manifest as snakes growing from her head. She created each one when she experienced new emotions during her interactions with humans and her family. Kido: Concealment; allows her (and people/objects within a 2 meter radius) to remain undetected by others. The effect is reduced if someone that knows her looks in her direction, or if she touches other people. Seto: and Empathy. He hates using it though, as. Kano:; he can make himself appear however he wants in the eyes of others.

Marry: Contact; she can lock peoples' motion for several minutes. A diluted version of. Momo: Captivation; she draws the eyes of others to her, no matter their age, gender or preferences. This also extends to the things she does, like art and music.

Ene: Opening; as a Cyber being, she is immortal. When she gets her human body back, she's able to jump back into the Cyber world whenever she wishes, as long as there's a device receiving a Wifi signal nearby. Hibiya: Clairvoyance; he can see/find distant objects/places by focusing on them in his mind. Konoha: Awakening; a form of Bio-PK that allows him to have his ideal body (i.e. With and a ), but at the cost.

Marry (again): Combine; the capable of bringing all other snakes together and controlling the Daze. She received it when she was saved from the Daze by Azami. Shintaro: Recording; a form of Postcognition, he can remember all of the past routes the cast has gone through.

Unlike the others, his power was given to him by Queen!Marry after the first route, so he could remember the tragedy and someday help her remember. This snake is sentient, and speaks directly to Shintaro with Ayano's voice to try and help him remember. Ayano: Favoring; a form of reverse-Empathy, she can project emotions and memories in her own heart onto someone else.

Kenjirou: Wide-Open Eyes; his snake is the only sentient snake of Azami's snakes, able to control its host's body while they are sleeping and is immune to all aforementioned snakes' powers. He (the snake) is the. seems to like this trope.

His first manga was a rather forgettable one about cops investigating psychic crimes, next was, a story of a heroic little girl with telekinesis who must save a city pitted against an equally-powered, finally culminating in, which was about the government trying to replicate the powers they saw in story. The Kasuga clan of (Kyōsuke's mother's family) all have psychic powers of one sort or another. and can be done by all family members. Kyōsuke also has shown an ability for and.

His little sister Manami has demonstrated the ability to. His other little sister Kurumi is good at performing hypnosis (and potential ), though she mostly uses her powers to hypnotize. Cousin Akane can, while other cousin Kazuya has all of the powers Kyōsuke has, — with a side dish of and if he literally with someone else. The in can sense each other's presence. In the, the human Kurau can even still perceive the return of her lost Rynax as Christmas' pair. Lily Strosek the Fourth from has a limited kind of Psychic ability. She can send psychic thoughts, sometimes to the point of sending others reeling, but unlike telepaths, she can't read minds.

It's also different from the telepathic ability that mages in the setting have. As a, she mostly uses this to talk to others, which can lead to some problems when the being she's trying to communicate with is immune to psychics.

It was 1978 when I bought my first guitar and guess what? It was an EKO RIO BRAVO 6.

I never rated it because my friends had better guitars. It was only through the years that I discovered that it was a better model than the RANGER with a non-detachable neck.

In fact it was hand made in the Research and Development dept in the EKO factory not on the production line. Alot of information can be found at Fetish Guitars dot com website on Mr Pigini, founder of EKO as well as alot of links to collectors and pictures of instruments of the era. As a rule only the guitars made upto 1981 are collectable.

Once you become familiarised with the pictures and shapes on that website you can spot straightaway just by the scratchplate which model it is as for the year it was made pre 1966 have a number not a name for the model (ie. J54 became the ranger),in 1967 the doubleT truss rod was patented(you can spot it at the end of the neck through the sound hole), 1970's guitars have a different label and rosette from the 1980's onwards and so on. The best folk models ever made are the Eldorado, followed by the Rio Bravo.