Prince Rare Interviews

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Speaking on Good Morning America, the 20-year-old opened up about how he was keeping while also trying to make his own way. Prince has started his own production company, which he has called King's Son Productions after the Thriller hitmaker. The youngster told GMA's Robin Roberts: 'My father was the King of Pop and King's Son Productions has this mantra where a title is earned, but a name is given.' He continued: 'So, I was born as Prince and that was the name my dad had given to me, but my dad had earned the epithet King of Pop and that's through hard work and years of training and everything that he worked so hard to get. Related articles. ABC Michael Jackson's Prince appeared on Good Morning America today GETTY Prince Jackson said he wanted to make a name for himself. I am the King's son - working to get my own epithet Prince Jackson 'So it's a form of motivation because my name is Prince, but for all intensive purposes I am the King's son - working to get my own epithet.'

Prince went on to admit that he did not realise the extent of Michael's fame until he saw grown men fainting at his shows. He stated: 'We were watching some videos of his performances and I've been used to seeing most females pass out when they see their artists. They get, you know, very emotional.


Remembering that time I met Prince in a rare interview. Prince rarely did interviews. Like Bob Dylan, he let his music speak for him. Well, the wild costumes spoke for him, too, when he’d jump off speakers and land in a split. I’ll tell you the short version of how I convinced Prince, the most famous idol of my life, to invite me over for a chat on May 24, 2004.

  • The Man Who Would Be Prince In the fall of 1991, set to drop double-platinum Diamonds and Pearls, Prince sat down with writer Chris Heath for a rare interview.
  • In an interview with Newsweek, the British prince explains how he found a way to give his life meaning after struggling to cope with the death of his beloved mother.

Prince Rare Interviews

ABC Michael Jackson's son Prince said he didn't realise how famous his dad was. GETTY Prince Jackson with his brother and sister 'But what blew my mind was when I saw these big, muscle-bound dudes fainting and having to be dragged out. So, I was like, 'Okay, there's something else going on here'.' Prince has also launched an organisation called Heal Los Angeles to help people dealing with abuse, hunger and homelessness, which was inspired by Michael's organisation Heal The World. He added: 'I'm not a fan of having my private or personal life out there, but I understand the importance of showing what I do, and hopefully try to inspire others to kind of continue spreading the good and helping the community.'

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